The motto goes: "A picture expresses a thousand words." This certainly applies to Joanne's work. Her work left an indelible imprint on me. All the best. Clive B.
When I look at your paintings I feel your passion expressed through your interpretation, your perspective. I am drawn to your ‘dream-like’ paintings as I find they stir the emotions and I gravitate towards those that trigger strong positive vibrations in me. A subtle change in colour or depth makes me feel as if I am present. The various elements within your paintings simply bring it to a harmonious whole. Your paintings make me feel at peace, there is a serenity that speaks to my soul. It quiets the mind, like an escape from a busy world. They make me smile and make me feel ‘in the moment”. I am a fan of your artistic work Joanne! Denise M.
Your work is amazing and reflects a bit of Renoir style. Dwaine D.
Tu es la meilleure, garde la tête haute et les yeux à ta créativité innée, la sensibilité qui émane de ton art fait ta force. Continue à travailler s'en t'attendre à rien, à rien d'autre que l'amour de ton art, le reste s'occupera de lui même. Ronald S.
Whimsical and empathic. Terry C.
I think your paintings are so colourful, lovely, and I really enjoy the candy to my eyes that flourishes from your beautiful talent. Your paintings are almost edible! Merci! Marc C.